Many newlyweds are excited to change their last names immediately after the wedding. The quick embrace of this new name quickly sours in a divorce setting. The decision of whether to change your last name in that context can be daunting; especially i…
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It’s the Fall. The leaves are turning, the NFL is in full gear, and it’s almost the open enrollment period for employee benefits. If you are like most Americans, the words “open enrollment” cause anxiety and dread, even more so if you are in…
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If you are thinking about ending your marriage, but the idea of getting divorced seems like a scary jump to make, you’re probably wondering whether there are any other legal options. You’re not alone. We are frequently asked about the differences…
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Few issues in family law are more frustrating for family law attorneys, mediators, judges, and even litigants to address than when two unmarried parents have conflicting positions about numerous shared expenses paid (or not paid) for their children.…
Regardless of whether your kids are teenagers or toddlers, the most difficult part of the divorce process is telling them that Mommy and Daddy are getting a divorce. To minimize the adverse emotional impact this conversation will have on your child(r…