The holidays are stressful for almost anyone, but they can particularly take an emotional toll on those who are separated or divorced. In last week’s blog, I provided some tips to help ease the holiday stress for divorced or separated individua…
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The holidays are stressful enough, but if you add a divorce or separation into the mix, it can become pure chaos. Between my clerkship and private practice, this upcoming holiday season will be my tenth year experiencing the inevitable turmoil and tr…
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Child custody is often the most difficult part of any divorce proceeding. There are many different ways custody of children can be split between their parents. Every single case is different and the parties should reach an agreement that works best f…
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Let’s face it – we all want to look like we have it together and can perfectly manage our lives. However, the reality is that we all have strengths and weaknesses. No matter how hard we try to hide them, eventually our not-so-lovely behaviors rea…
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Parenting is one of the most important issues to settle during a divorce. It can also be one of the most difficult. Parents often have conflicting ideas about how to raise children and these differences become even more obvious when the marriage ends…
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Even after your divorce attorney has helped you and your ex settle your custody arrangement in your divorce, it may not be a permanent arrangement. You may be able to petition the court for custody if you or your ex-spouse undergo a significant chang…
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Divorce can be a difficult time for both parents and children; the upheaval and sense of instability that children may experience can be particularly challenging. While children often benefit from being able to spend plenty of time with both parents,…
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Few issues in family law are more frustrating for family law attorneys, mediators, judges, and even litigants to address than when two unmarried parents have conflicting positions about numerous shared expenses paid (or not paid) for their children.…
Regardless of whether your kids are teenagers or toddlers, the most difficult part of the divorce process is telling them that Mommy and Daddy are getting a divorce. To minimize the adverse emotional impact this conversation will have on your child(r…